Heritage Projects

2018 was the centenary of the end of the First World War.

We worked together with Farlington Parish and Gosport Heritage Open Days to devise and create two projects focusing on the Great War.

We were successful in our bid and received Heritage Lottery funding for:

Honouring Farlington’s Fallen


Peace at Last

The Great War

The Great War is a subject so broad and diverse and this project is just a starting point, through recordings, photographs and personal stories, it looks into the commencement of the war in 1914, the era at that time, and Gosport’s involvement. We give our thanks to the groups we worked with: Year 5 Leesland School, Give Gain & Grow Groups, Loud and Proud and Woodcot Lodge Residential Home. Plus to all the members of the public who came to our drop in workshops during Gosport Heritage Open Days at Fort Brockhurst. Our workshops have involved research, learning and making. Plus each group visited a local historical site/museum and had a local expert/historian talk. Together we investigated with our groups the sacrifices that Gosport and its community made in the Great War.

Our thanks to everyone involved for making this project possible:

· To Gosport Heritage Open Days and Heritage Lottery funding

· For all the individuals who helped us with this project from personal stories and recollections to informing our research, these include:, Pam Braddock, Gareth Brettell, Terry Rhodes, Terry Hinkley, John Fletcher, Reg Norton, Brian & Allyson Rendle, Christine & Tim Seward, Lynne Thomson Chreiazomenou, THE GOSPORT AREA: memories and photos, past and present facebook page.

· To all the organisations including Search, Discovery Centre, Hampshire Archives, Pallant House, Explosion Museum, Royal Naval Dockyard Museum, Submarine Museum, Fort Brockhurst, Give Gave and Grow, Loud and Proud, Leesland Junior School, Woodcot Lodge


We hope that through our findings that we keep ‘Remembering the Unforgettable’ and honouring the part Gosport and its community played in our history.